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Theerawat jiamwiriyastian

职位:Head of portfolio monitoring and forecasting

行业: banking

国家: Thailand

地点: bangkok, krung thep, thailand

描述: I manage 4 teams under my responsibilities at Standard Charter Bank. 1. The Scoring Team: The team manages to develop Application and Behavioral Scorecard and IRB model (PD, LGD, EAD) of retail products and also performs scorecard and model monitoring. In adiition, the team takes responsible for decision engine or NBSM for scorecard and business rule implementation. 2. Basel Team: The team takes responsible for Basel requirements both local and group requirement e.g. Stress testing, Risk Appetite, RWA calculation and the implementation of IRB model and SA in Basel Capital Engine. In addition, the team maintains the logic of data warehouse and Basel Computation Engine. 3. Cost Team: The team forecasts the cost of credit team and also monitors the actual cost by monthly basis. 4. MIS team: Managing MIS daily/monthly/quarterly reports for local and group requirements. --------------------------------- Email: tjteerawat71@gmail.com


公司名: Standard chartered bank