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Daniela montero

职位:Business development manager
公司: El tostador

性别: female

行业: photography

国家: Costa rica

地点: costa rica

描述: Daniela is a Costa Rican professional with broad experience in the international business trade, mainly focused in the coffee industry and related products. Daniela has ample experience in multiple commerce areas such as online marketing, new product and business development, imports and exports; experience that is well complemented with highly developed social skills such as: communication, adaptability, empowerment, self-sufficiency, goal driven, and positive outlook, among others. Daniela is a born leader, who quickly tackles any task at hand, is a true believer in innovation and continued improvement as well as a great team player. Is a very committed person and aligns easily with the overall objectives and goals to be achieved, is proactive and a multi-tasker who values healthy work environments as a great way to achieve the best results possible. 


公司名: El tostador

公司网站: eltostador.com.mx