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Benjamin audren

职位:Devops consultant
  • ***************@elca.ch

性别: male

行业: higher education

国家: Switzerland

地点: lausanne, vaud, switzerland

描述: As a DevOps specialist and tech evangelist, I promote modern technology usage within and without the company - containerization, continuous integration/delivery, code review. I am able to configure all the necessary advanced tools to allow the teams to work at their best and deliver value efficiently. I also specialize in automated testing, developing test frameworks and helping teams find the right balance of effort/rewards. My scientific background also gives me the proper mind state to understand complex problems, and search for innovative solutions. My thesis work was about extracting theoretical understanding from complex cosmological experiments, analyzing data with statistical methods. I am a clear presenter, used to explain difficult topics to a wide audience or to a technical one. During my PhD, I gave for instance several workshops worldwide on modern scientific computing in my field of study, to a vastly non-programmer public.


公司名: Elca informatique sa / elca informatik ag

公司网站: elca.ch