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Emily brookes

职位:Senior reporter, life and style
公司: Stuff

性别: female

行业: public relations and communications

国家: New zealand

地点: wellington, wellington, new zealand

描述: I am an experienced, motivated and charismatic communications and media specialist, with expertise in journalism, editing, public relations and marketing. An outstanding written and verbal communicator with experience in both B2C and B2B environments, my transition from journalism to PR & marketing means that I am equally comfortable writing press releases and prepping executives for interview as I am conducting interviews and writing stories, across print and digital publications. Having spent the last 9 years working in international corporate environments in London and Paris, I am looking forward to returning to my native New Zealand where I am looking for a senior-level communications or marketing role.


公司名: Stuff

公司网站: stuff.co.nz