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Audrey dupont

职位:Digital project manager and business analyst
公司: Sopra steria
  • ********@wanadoo.fr
  • *************@soprasteria.com

性别: female

行业: program development

国家: Spain

地点: barcelona, catalonia, spain

描述: Experience: digital, mobile applications and tablets, websites, m-commerce, new technologies, project management, commercial and e-marketing. Skills: - Functional conception of mobile applications and websites - Council and ergonomic design of mobile applications and websites - Teamwork - Creation of technical documents: storyboard, functional specifications and planning - Modelization and workflow - Customer relationship - Coordination between different departments - Project management - Test strategy writing - Test case writing - Running tests on the website, mobile sites, mobile applications - Completion of the test report document. Computer tools: HP ALM Quality Center, Redmine, Mantis, Lighthouse, Mockflow, Magic Draw, Pencil, Xcode, SQL Developer, MobaXterm, Gantt Project, Merlin, Xiti, XMind, Visio, InDesign, Sphinx, Excel, Word, PowerPoint. Trip: 3 months in Calafell (Internship) 6 months in Barcelona (University)


公司名: Sopra steria

公司网站: soprasteria.com