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Abdulwahab al-awdi

职位:Trade facilitation team leader
  • ********@hotmail.com

性别: male

行业: international trade and development

国家: Yemen

地点: yemen

描述: Wahab is an economist, senior trade expert, and economic growth advisor with over 17 years of work experience that spans across a number of international development organizations (such as the UNDP, giz, and Pragma Corp—a USAID Contractor), and within government. In addition to his academic specialty in public economics, his interests are focused on macroeconomic policy, economic growth, fiscal policy, tax reforms, economic integration, trade facilitation, international trade and development, good governance, and state building. Wahab holds a master's degree in Public Economics/Finance from the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) in Tokyo, Japan.


公司名: The pragma corporation

公司网站: pragmacorp.com