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Christian voirol

职位:Business development manager cloud and managed services
  • *********@voirol.net
  • ****************@interoute.com

性别: male

行业: telecommunications

国家: Switzerland

地点: pully, vaud, switzerland

描述: 20+ years of experience in Sales and Marketing, supporting business and technology transition with both management and technical experience. With an entrepreneurial behavior enabling me to identify short term challenges and provide immediate solutions while having enough creativity to support medium and long term strategies within the Digital Transition and its related new business processes & models. Able to recognize and understand what is at stake from a Finance/Marketing/organizational as well as technical perspective, this global picture brings real value in the perspective of developing complex and ambitious projects. Major skills: * Digital Transformation * Key & Major Account management * Multi-million Budget & costs management * People Management * Contract negotiations * ICT consulting * Relationship Network If you have any question or want to discuss your Digital Transformation/Transition to the cloud, feel free to connect with me or reach out via my email Christian.voirol@elca.ch


公司名: Elca informatique sa / elca informatik ag

公司网站: elca.ch