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Kristine dear

职位:Graphic designer at just imagine
  • *********@caribsurf.com

性别: female

行业: graphic design

国家: Barbados

地点: barbados

描述: My passion: Pottery, photography and graphic design! Have a look at the destinations online magazine Travellers Insights - a joint venture with Ian Clayton -on Dominica at: http://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/43151 Also check out some of my photos at: http://picasaweb.google.com/111964954889023034891?gsessionid=UztRfqUaasXZxTttIbIrfQ & http://cyberbab9.wix.com/just-imagine Enjoy the View! Kristine Dear Telephone 246.429.6190 Cell phone: 246.835.1166 Check out my websites at: http://cyberbab9.wix.com/just-imagine ... or have a look at my gallery of photographs from around the world and enjoy the view! http://picasaweb.google.com/111964954889023034891?gsessionid=UztRfqUaasXZxTttIbIrfQ https://www.dropbox.com/sc/jw8mufpq4rlnnpl/sgP6Xtm8uT https://www.dropbox.com/sc/xbt5y1a51w8i1ic/NV8soyqspW Specialties: Graphic design for: magazines, annual reports, calendars, flyers, CD covers, email blasts, ads, calling cards, logos, letterheads, signs....... just about anything in print!


公司名: Technology services & consultants