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Arun panwar

职位:R and d system verification engineer
  • ***********@sasken.com
  • ***********@live.in
  • *******@airspan.com

性别: male

行业: telecommunications

国家: India

地点: bombay, maharashtra, india

描述: 10 years of experience in protocol stack testing, support and development of LTE and 3G eNodeB femtocell, UMTS RNC, MME, SGW, PGW, handsets, WiFi and Wi-MAX Wireless backhaul solutions. I have expertise in protocols such as RRC, RRM, NBAP, S1AP, X2AP, NAS, 802.11 b/g/n/ac, 802.16 and other network protocols. Good experience in handling and managing projects of End to End System testing, 3GPP features testing, NVIOT, field verification (GCF, PTCRB certification) and acceptance testing. Expertise in tools like QXDM, Anite SAS, Agilent, Anritsu, Tektronix, QC, HP-PPM, Albedo, JDSU, Calnex and various open and proprietary testing tools and log analyzers.


公司名: Airspan networks

公司网站: airspan.com