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Jeffrey castro

职位:Transformation office and project management office head
  • ********@grupoficohsa.hn
  • **************@ficohsa.com

性别: male

行业: banking

国家: Honduras

地点: honduras

描述: I'm an IT professional and PMP certified project manager with more that 12 years of experience in providing IT solutions for the banking industry across all aspects of the business. My experience ranges from maintaining an internet banking system to managing a bank's software development factory and eventually leading a bank's technological transformation project through the implementation of a Service Oriented Architecture as well as the replacement of a 19 year old legacy system with a new core banking system. I would definitely describe myself as goal driven person and passionate about delivering solutions that impact the business and that eventually end up at the customer's reach. I've had very interesting experiences designing and implementing projects for both internet and mobile banking channels.


公司名: Grupo financiero ficohsa

公司网站: ficohsa.com