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Kirsty maloney

职位:Executive pa and office manager
  • ********@cpaglobal.com

性别: female

行业: financial services

国家: Jersey

地点: jersey

描述: I am a motivated, driven and hard working individual who is looking for a career change into HR. I have recently completed my 'Get into HR' course at Pitmans in Jersey and have enrolled to embark on my Foundation CIPD course at Compass in Jersey. Although I have no HR experience, I feel by self funding my CIPD course it shows my passion and motivation to begin my career in HR and also demonstrates my commercial acumen skills. I am currently looking for a HR role to kick start my career in this field and would be happy to be contacted by any company in Jersey looking for someone to join their HR team.


公司名: Dominion fiduciary

公司网站: expertsinwealth.com