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Carlos cairó

职位:Project manager
公司: Datys

性别: male

行业: computer software

国家: United states

地点: miami, florida, united states

描述: In 2007 I graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science. I also started working at the Datys Company in the Computational Linguistics area, assimilating knowledge of Natural Language Processing, in particular Syntactic Analysis and Semantic Roles. During the first years I developed libraries using the C ++ programming language. In 2013 I obtained the degree MSc. Computer Science. I also acquired knowledge and skills in the Virtual Assistance area. I developed a solution that allowed users to interact with it using natural language. During this period I developed my skills using java, javascript, html5 mainly. From 2014 to the present I have worked in Project Management and the direction of software production.


公司名: Datys

公司网站: datys.cu