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Peter long

职位:Sessional academic

性别: male

行业: higher education

国家: Australia

地点: new south wales, australia

描述: Multi-skilled creative with practicing knowledge in music composition, performance, sound engineering and tuition, established graphic artist with a background in entertainment publishing and marketing. My long-term aim is to bring this expertise to a tertiary teaching role - to this end I am undertaking a doctorate at Western Sydney University and teaching as a sessional academic. My wide ranging experience in music and design encompasses audiovisual projects ranging from soundtrack recordings to site-specific artworks. Music and visuals have always been at the forefront of my creative endeavours, which I'm presently combining in a doctorate examining aesthetics of suspended experience in popular music recordings. I maintain an infrequent blog, Adventures in Sound & Vision at http://immed8.wordpress.com, and you can hear examples of my work at https://immed8.bandcamp.com/releases and view examples of video work at https://vimeo.com/immed8


公司名: University of western sydney

公司网站: westernsydney.edu.au