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Ahmed macire

职位:Chief executive officer
公司: Afrimarket

性别: male

行业: entertainment

国家: Mauritania

地点: mauritania

描述: Ahmed is a young leader, a social entrepreneur and an Atco driven by community development. He focuses on creating new opportunities, developing successful businesses while helping others find their ways to success. He has committed himself to fight for the girl child rights, human rights and bringing peace to the world. He's ambitious, success-driven and a multitasked professional. You have a product and you need a clientin any corner of the world ? I'm your guy You are a client and looking for a product ? I'll do all the job for you until you get satisfied For those in the seafood sector, I have special offers for you Please don't hesitate to link up, Ahmed would be glad to collaborate with you. Thanks


公司名: Afrimarket

公司网站: afrimarket.fr