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Barbara mesiano

职位:Administrative office assistant
  • *********@jerseyfsc.org

性别: female

行业: financial services

国家: Jersey

地点: jersey

描述: After a dual education and hospitality training both in Europe and the US where I’ve worked in only high standard hotels. Here’s why I could be a great asset to your company. The hospitality business and mainly the Front Desk is a high pressure, very demanding field that required a constant awareness to your surroundings while still being able to focus on your own task. It demands a high attention to details and being able to multitask in an always extremely teeming and busy environment. My four years at The Royal Yacht hotel have taught me that but more than that it got in me in contact with the business community with whom I share a common goal of efficiency and being on point attending to their requests and demands with a friendly and positive attitude.


公司名: Jersey financial services commission

公司网站: jerseyfsc.org