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Birgir johannesson

职位:Business development manager
公司: Mogi business development iceland
  • ******************@gmail.com
  • *****************@gmail.com

行业: leisure, travel, & tourism

国家: Iceland

地点: iceland

描述: My bucket list: 1) work in California in an awesome company that suits me and I them, 2) work in business consulting with better players then me, 3) work in marketing, taking ideas to market, 4) make 40 million dollars after taxes. I will succeed or die trying, 6) continue to shape my legacy of leaving the planet in a better state then before. Meaning initiate or be part of something really great. And during all this ... be in awesome health, I am already on my way there and it will only get better,I have already had enough "learning-experiences".


公司名: Mogi business development iceland