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Russell smith

  • ********@mac.com
  • *************@underscoremarketing.com

性别: male

行业: photography

国家: United states

地点: new york, new york, united states

描述: Experienced, skilled photographer. Attention to detail, beautiful lighting and excellent composition describes Russell's work. Able to deal with large projects or single photos with equal competence. Wide range of experience in many different subject matter. In the last several years Russell has produced photography for the following uses: consumer packaging, point of purchase sales (shelf talkers, displays, etc), catalog, trade show displays, web site illustration, trade publications, consumer magazines, etc. Worked with companies from Wal-Mart to sole proprietorships, and projects from photography for The Masters Golf tournament to single bottles of perfume. Skilled in food photography as well, with a full kitchen in his studio. Specialties: Calm, professional demeanor, no matter if studio is filled with babies, models and clients or working one on one with a client. Can be trusted with your most important projects. Treats every job with the same care.


公司名: Underscore marketing

公司网站: underscoremarketing.com