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Orlando jimenez

职位:International marketing vice president
公司: Cibertec
  • ********@mricostarica.com

性别: male

行业: human resources

国家: Costa rica

地点: costa rica

描述: Mr. Orlando Jimenez is the Founder and President of MRI San Jose, Costa Rica, and MRI Network CARICAM www.mrinetworkcaricam.com (Panama and Dominican Republic) a recruitment solutions leader within the Food Industry, General Manufacturing, Banking, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, Retail, IT and Telecommunications. He has more than 25 years of business experience in high level Marketing and Managerial Positions and has had a successful career as CEO of one of the biggest exporting companies of Costa Rica, as well as in International Marketing jobs for having hold positions en Mexico and Europe, to develop markets in Eastern Europe, Middle East and Asia. He has also great experience in the Central America market: Panama, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, as well as Dominican Republic Orlando has a Post Graduate Degree in Economics from the Victoria University of Manchester U.K. Specialties: HR, Markenting, Business Development, Consumer Goods, Retail, International sales and marketing, Recruiting, Head-hunting, Sourcing, Reclutamiento, Candidate-search


公司名: Cibertec

公司网站: cibertec.edu.pe