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Duong vo

职位:Vice president of public relations
公司: Hanoi speakers toastmasters

性别: male

行业: banking

国家: Vietnam

地点: vietnam

描述: " If you are to play a role of a chess piece in a chess game, which position will you take?" My first choice is the position of a pawn because it is the most daring, hardworking and promising piece on the chessboard. Even though I started my career as a project coordinator, I am striving to become a frontline leader who possesses both technical and soft skills. With a passion for analytics, I am working to contribute to the world by (1) helping organizations to improve operational efficiency and risk management using data solutions, (2) building community programs focusing on using data for social goods, and (3) inspiring other professionals to join my course.


公司名: Hanoi speakers toastmasters