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Gerhard koch

职位:President and founder
  • ***********@singlegolfclub.net

性别: male

行业: sports

国家: Dominican republic

地点: dominican republic

描述: For the re-start of the global SingleGolfclub we are looking for six Continental Manager: Africa, Anglo America, Asia, Europe, Latin America and Oceania. The Continental Manager should become share holders of the SingleGofclub Corporation. I am born in 1944, retired but still active in the global golf business. At present I am managing the SingleGolfclub Corporation by myself. My current goal is establishing Continental and Country Managers worldwide. When I turn seventy and have reached these goals, I would like to finish the operative business and improve my golf game and enjoy the rest of my life. I also would like to improve my Spanish and to study Caribbean music. I am now 75 and therefore, we are seeking investors or one International Manager and Continental Managers for Anglo America, Latin America, Europe, Africa, Acia and Oceania. If you are interested send us an email to: president@singlegolfclub.net


公司名: Singlegolfclub corporation

公司网站: singlegolfclub.net