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Stefano barberini

职位:Vice president international business development

性别: male

行业: pharmaceuticals

国家: San marino

地点: san marino

描述: I am in charge of the international business development of Vivipharma and passioned of New business development on marketing strategies basis, more than 20 years experience in Worldwide market. Long experience in green market as natural and organic basis products in Cosmetic , Cosmeceutical and Food supplements. Specialist in hair care and skincare products, basically the top brands Products of Vivpharma as the skincare REPHASE Alta Cosmesi - Chrissie Cosmetics and Haircare GENETICS LPA Stem Cells - Kenogen - Glycosan... United States, Japan, China, Spain and Italy, as my native Country, are few of the Countries where i opened operative trade office and branches.
