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Isabella mandl

公司: Dahari

性别: female

行业: environmental services

国家: Comoros

地点: comoros

描述: I currently work as a Technical Assistant Ecologist t the NGO Dahari, located on Anjouan, Comoros. My research interests cover tropical ecology and conservation and I strive to connect these aspects by finding applicable solutions for conservation management from research into animal behaviour. My current research projects include a movement ecology study of the Critically Endangered Livingstone's fruit bat and I additionally manage a participatory biodiversity monitoring project in the villages of Anjouan. Before Comoros, I spent 17 months in Madagascar between 2013 and 2016 co-managing a research site on the Sahamalaza Peninsula. I have trained multiple local guides, international assistants and Malagasy students and am continuing to support ongoing projects at the research site.


公司名: Dahari