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Benny otte

职位:Marketing and communications manager
  • ****@mediaxperten.com

性别: male

行业: media production

国家: Greenland

地点: greenland

描述: IT, tech, management and graphic design is the cross field I have been working in for years and still make my heart beat. I have a humble and loyal approach to what I do, but I am always working hard and determined to succeed with my projects and goals. Every day, I find new things I want to learn, or things I want to change, and I am not afraid of pushing all the way to solve a real challenge. I take pride in delivering quality and results, and I work independently and intuitively with all the balls I am keeping in the air. At the same time, I am always trying to inspire others by what I do and how I communicate.


公司名: Kalaallit nunaanni brugseni

公司网站: knb.gl