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Esa viitamo

职位:Business development manager
  • ***********@aalto.fi

行业: management consulting

国家: Finland

地点: finland

描述: More than twenty years of experience in the fields of industrial economics, industry policy and research-based consulting. These different backgrounds provide the basis for my envisioning of the multiple objectives of economic research. In my earlier as well as the ongoing projects, theory building and modeling draw on the contested business practises and firms' actual behaviour in the markets. At the same time, economic modeling and the identification of best practises help companies and industries innovate and enhance their businesses in line with the government's industry policy. My expertise and interests in business development and research cross over industry borders and clusters (Forest, Banking, ICT, Energy, KIBS, Electrical engineering). Welcome aboard all aligned thinkers and practitioners!!


公司名: Novago business development ltd

公司网站: novago.fi