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Ireen silweya

职位:Programs manager
公司: Peoples action forum

性别: female

行业: health, wellness and fitness

国家: Zambia

地点: zambia

描述: A recognized program/project manager, having worked with various organisations including, USAID,Irish Aid, INGOs, CBOs, FBOs and line ministries in Zambia focusing on HIV and AIDS, Education and community development. Gender and women empowerment. The main goal is to positively contribute to the health and educational development in Zambia especially at a household level Able to assess and appraise project proposals and development, strategic plans development, design and implement projects/programs, provide technical support to partners in project management, monitoring and evaluation, coordination of partners. Been involved actively in program evaluations, in Zambia and the neighboring countries. Been involved in partner sub-granting and managing. Budget holder of several programs I have managed


公司名: Peoples action forum